Page updated 12 January 2025

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As the site has periods when it stays unchanged for months you may find it helpful to subscribe to our mail list that will notify you of changes to the site as they are made.

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Go to Top January 2025

9 January 2025
In the Our Safari section a page has been added headed, Sub-Zero Temperatures are Forecast. It records a visit to Singing the Blues to install heaters, and do a little tidying job I'd been promising to do since we purchased her.

Go to Top Nov 2024

13 November 2024
In the Our Safari section a page has been added headed, Our Boat Needs Cleaning. It records our visit to Singing the Blues to clean her and a short cruise, when we found that the gas bottle needed changing, the engine ran a little warm, yet we had no hot water.

Go to Top July 2024

7 July 2024
In the Our Safari section three pages have been added, recording a cruise to South Walsham Broad. On day one we overnighted at Neatishead. On day two we visited the shops at Ludham Bridge reaching South Walsham in the afternoon. Day three was our Return to Wayford.

Go to Top June 2024

17 June 2024
In the Our Safari section two pages have been added, one recording the Journey to Salhouse Broad to attend a Safari Owners meet and the second, the Return Trip the following day.
2 June 2024
In the Our Safari section a report has been added of the Third Cruise with our Granddaughter aboard. this time we went to Dilham and Barton Broad.

Go to Top May 2024

27 May 2024
In the Our Safari section a report has been added reporting our Move of Mooring from Coltishall to Wayford.
14 May 2024
In the Our Safari section three pages have been added reporting a Three Day Voyage that, on Day Two took in a visit to MoonFleet Marine at Wayford, a walk around the Gardens at How Hill and a Pump-out and Refuelling in Horning that wasn't without incident. Day Three was just the return from an overnight stop in Wroxham to our mooring at Coltishall.
11 May 2024
In the Our Safari section a page has been added reporting on the Spring Cleaning we did (and lunch taken the The Rising Sun).

Go to Top April 2024

8 April 2024
In the Our Safari section a page has been added recording a trip with our Granddaughter Aboard.

Go to Top January 2024

29 January 2024
In the Our Safari section a page has been added recording our overnight Shopping Trip to Wroxham. While returning to our mooring we manage to stop off for a stroll around Belaugh.
20 January 2024
In the Our Safari section a page has been added recording the Winterising of Singing the Blues and then, in freezing conditions a cruise up to Horstead and down to Wroxham to test the central heating.

Go to Top November 2023

22 November 2023
In the Our Safari section another two pages have been added. They record some work done to improve storage of the Fuel Tank Dipstick and a Second Page that records concerns about Leaking Windows and a Short Cruise taken before moving Singing the Blues to a New Mooring.
The report on our First Overnight Cruise has also been updated with new information about the solar powered boat Ra.

Go to Top October 2023

24 October 2023
In the Our Safari section, the Third Overnight Cruise page has been updated. Just before the "Return to Coltishall" section you'll now find a 30 second video. It's intended to replace the panorama view around the boat taken while moored in Bridge Broad.
22 October 2023
In the Our Safari section another page has been added that records a Third Overnight Cruise. It could, perhaps, be best described as a simple shopping trip to a neighbouring village, just 10 miles away. But because we went by boat it took two days! As it happened, had we wanted to go further we couldn't. The river level prevented us getting under Wroxham Bridge.
19 October 2023
In the Our Safari section another two pages have been added. They record our first two overnight cruises. The first (1-3 October) included a Couple of Dramas, such as an overheating engine and one where it refused to start. In the second (6-7 October) we spent a fair bit of time Sight Seeing Ashore at Horstead and around Caen Meadow and Church Lane Wroxham.
12 October 2023
In the Our Safari section two new pages has been added. The first records how Moonfleet Marine came out to do some Repairs. We had asked them to sort out our electrical problems and overheating engine issues we suffered on our Anniversary Cruise. Suspecting a dead battery, we asked them to come with two! The second page reports on a short trip we made with Our Granddaughter Aboard.
5 October 2023
In the Our Safari section a new page has been added. It covers Our Anniversary Cruise which occured on 12 September. What was intended to be a pleasant day to celebrate a birthday and anniversary ended with the drama of failing electrics and an overheating engine.

Go to Top September 2023

27 September 2023
In the Our Safari section a new page has been added. It covers The Fettling done on the Monday following our Shakedown cruise.
21 September 2023
In the Our Safari section there's a new page. It covers our aborted attempt, on Thursday 7 September, to Leave the Boatyard at Wayford, where our boat has been being sorted out, and the successful Cruise to Coltishall on Saturday 9 September. "Success" only means we got there. There was a loss overboard along the way to read about as well. It's a lengthy piece of over 5,000 words and almost 50 photographs.
5 September 2023
In the Our Safari section there are two new pages. The first covers the period between 23 August and Saturday 2 September and reports progress on resolving the outstanding BSS Failure Issues. The second covers The Launch of Singing the Blues and how we will handle the "gearbox clatter" that still exists.
There's also been some minor edits to existing pages in the Our Safari section. There are now more headings on The Boat is Gutted page and some of the images have been moved around the text. On The Rudder Needs Attention page a link has been added to the following page in the journal.

Go to Top August 2023

23 August 2023
In the Our Safari section over the last two weeks the BSS Failure page has had details of the survey and BSS Failure reports added. There are also two new pages.
The first covers the Gutting of the Boat following the BSS Failure. It records the work done and discoveries made in the two weeks up to Saturday 19 August. This includes more about the missing diesel fuel sign, work done to replace the fuel tank, improve the appearance of the heater control, clean the galley and the clutter that's created. There's also an update on the gearbox and discussion on whether a new cutlass bearing is needed and how the bilges were drained and the gas bottle locker cleaned.
The second page was added late in the day. It records how the Rudder Needs Attention. There was a phone call this afternoon from the boatyard and a visit to see a worn rudder and sanction the additional work that they planned to undertake.
11 August 2023
In the Our Safari section two pages have been added, reporting the first and second week's progress towards getting Singing the Blues launched. The first covers the work done on Cleaning and Clearing the boat while awaiting the gearbox to be re-fitted, the second, the surprise failure of the BSS Examination.
In addition, a photo of the Webasto heater control has been added and minor edits made to the report on Looking Around the Boat after the move to Norfolk.
Text in the River Trial page has also been edited as I now recognise that the cabin linings are Formica faced plywood rather than MDF as originally stated.

Go to Top July 2023

31 July 2023
Two more pages have been added to the Our Safari section. One reports various tasks done on Friday which include applying the new name and registration numbers to the hull and replacing wiper motor and getting it to run. There was also news that the gearbox was ready to be re-fitted. The second page records Saturday's activities, when the work on the wiper was completed and a clear out of stuff found on the boat was undertaken.
24 July 2023
A new page has been added to the Our Safari section. I had a spare hour before visitors arrived and went to the boat to remove the old registration numbers and name. I was armed with a heat gun as I had been told it would be useful to soften the adhesive, but it just softened the label causing it to stretch rather than come away from the hull. The task also revealed that the registration numbers on the bows were originally painted onto the hull.
19 July 2023
A new page has been added to the Our Safari section. It's a day after Singing the Blues arrives in Norfolk and I have a chance to look round inside the boat. I entered through the aft door to see how things looked. Yesterday I had been concerned about the missing windscreen wiper, but it turned out things were not as I feared they might be although there were carpet tiles and saloon cushions piled in the aft cabin.
18 July 2023
A new page has been added to the Our Safari section. On 27 June we finally lost patience with Marlex Marine and ask for our boat to be moved to a local boatyard. I collect the gearbox from Attleborough, but a lorry breakdown means it takes longer than we had hoped but for the boat to be moved. Today Singing the Blues finally returns to Norfolk and the remaining jobs to get her ready for launch will by done at Wayford Marine by Moonfleet Marine.
1 July 2023
In the Our Safari section there is a new page. As part of my project to create a new web site for the Hampton Safari, yesterday I went searching for images to illustrate various points I knew I was going to want to make. I encountered a photo I thought I recognised. It led me to the broker's site through which the previous owners bought our boat. The result is a new page reporting new cushions and carpet and a painted engine!

Go to Top May 2023

31 May 2023
In the Our Safari section there are three new pages. I've been catching up with some older material as we get nearer to getting our boat to Norfolk. We've Picked Up Paperwork from the marina, ordered the New Name for the boat and sorted out a little problem with Our Proposed Mooring.
17 May 2023
In the Canals section there is a new item that links to a report that spreads across 10 pages and containing some 160 images reporting a week long Cruise Aboard nb Earnest taken with a collection of honorary member's of Neil Arlidge's Tuesday Night Club members between 12-17 July 2003. We travel from Lancaster, via the Ribble Link and the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, to the Bingley Five-Rise.

Go to Top April 2023

17 April 2023
In the SeaHawk section the Index page now has the full date of each of the entries listed. A new page has been added with a report on the 2009 Hickling Passage Race. Related Page links appear on this and the report of the 2011 Race.
15 April 2023
The original Icon The site's been running since April 2008 and I have finally realised that I really ought to update my portrait that appears in the header of every page. For the sake of historical interest, as that's the function of the site, I thought I also ought to retain a copy of the original somewhere, and that might as well be here.
In the Safari Section the thumbnail to illustrate The Survey and Purchase item on the Index Page has been changed to show the image seen, at the time, on the broker's web site.
3 April 2023
In the Safari section a new page has been added describing the Pre-Purchase Survey which Diana and I attended. This led to a new price being agreed and The Purchase made. During all of which there was the minor drama of an air ambulance arriving at the marina.

Go to Top March 2023

31 March 2023
In the Safari section minor edits have been done to the Initial Viewing page. These include providing some improved images and changes to the text which contained some references to things that occurred later. These edits make the page coordinate better with a new page describing our visit to Buckden to undertake a River Trial of the boat.
23 March 2023
New mail list software has been installed, accessed via the link at the top of this page. Visit the Sign-Up Page.
In the SeaHawk section a page that records the Sale of Just 17 has been added. It reproduces the advert that saw Just 17 sold in 2018, together with the comment I added after the sale was finalised.
21 March 2023
The mail list forms on the Home, What's New and Contact Me pages have been removed pending the installation of new mail list management software.
The Home Page has some revised text describing a new section of the site named Our Safari, devoted to a 45 year old Hampton Safari that Diana and I are in the process of buying.

Go to Top March 2021

20 March 2021
The Home Page has some revised text explaining the most recent major update and has more links added to individual pages on the site. A number of "Related Page" links have been added within the Broads and Canals sections that should ease navigation around the site.
In the My SeaHawk section, feedback about the occupants of some of the boats taking part in the Diamond Jubilee Cruise means the page published yesterday has some additional information.
In the Broads section there is information on Hamilton's Charts added to the page on my 1967 holiday aboard Spindrift.
18 March 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, there is a new page that describes what I remember of "dressing" Just 17 in bunting and taking part in a cruise around Hickling Broad on the weekend when the country celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June 2012.
6 March 2021
On small screen devices the main menu now displays a set of icons beside each option.
A search facility has been added to the site, accessible from the top of the main menu on every page.
The mail list has been abandoned and replaced with a system that runs within the site. You can now sign up for updates on the Home, Whats New and Contact Me pages.
In many of the captions for the Image of the Day there are now links to relevant pages on the site.
3 March 2021
Following the major overhaul in October last year, the old blogging software has finally been killed off as all the old material originally posted on it has now been transferred to the main site. The introductory text on the home page has been edited to remove references to the old blog.
A mail list has been created, using the services of, that will announce changes to the site. Links have been provided at the bottom of the Home page, the top of this page and on the Contact Me page.
1 March 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the preparation of Just 17 for the 2012 season have been moved to new pages on the main site. These cover work done during January, February and March 2012. Also moved to the main site is a report of the Easter Weekend 2012 in which the final work was dome to make Just 17 ready for her first cruise of the year on Easter Day.
In the Broads section, the post made on the blog on 15 March 2012 recording the Recovery of Angela was moved to the main site.

Go to Top February 2021

28 February 2021
In the Canals section, a further page from the blog, made on 15 February 2012 is moved to the main site. It records some thoughts on comparing boating on the Canals and the Broads.
19 February 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, a further page from the blog, made on 16 October 2011 is moved to the main site. It records a day cruise in Glorious October Weather.
15 February 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, corrections are made as broken links were found in the Cruise in Company page uploaded yesterday. A further post from the blog made in October 2011 recording the visit from Simon Pollington who wanted to Try Out a SeaHawk is moved to the main site.
14 February 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, posts from the old blog made in September 2011 that record the installation of a New Battery, the Following Weekend's Activites when I replace the solar panel and Diana and I take a cruise with Izy and Kevin and a report my Cruise in Company with two other SeaHawks are moved to a page on the main site.
In the Broads section, a post from the old blog made after being a spectator of the Three Rivers Race - 2011 has been moved to the main site.
13 February 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, a post, made on 18 September 2011 on the old blog, that records how Just 17 won her First Trophy has been moved to a page on the main site.
In the Broads section, three further blog posts on Walk to find Honing Staithe, made on 8 May 2011, the Launch of Deux Chevaux, made on 17 May 2011, Rhiannon's Shakedown Cruise, made on 3 June 2011, and a Short Cruise aboard Deux Chevaux, made on 17 August, have been moved to the main site.
11 February 2021
In the Broads section, a post from the old blog, made on 8 May 2011, records a visit to the Museum of the Broads on Boat Jumble day has been moved to a page on the main site.
10 February 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the refit of Just 17 made in August and September 2011 have been moved to new pages on the main site. These cover work done during August and September 2011. The Launch and continuing refit is covered on a further page.
9 February 2021
In the Broads section, I have added a new page that has the full text and all images submitted to Anglia Afloat magazine, for an article arising from the OCSG Meet at Hickling Broad on 18 June 2006.
In the Other Boating section, there is a new page containing the full text and all images submitted to Anglia Afloat magazine, for an article I wrote called Dirty Weekend on the River Gipping Trust.
2 February 2021
In the Other Boating section, there are new pages. One has the full text and all images submitted to Anglia Afloat magazine, for an article I wrote following my visit to the OCSG Meet at Hickling Broad on 18 June 2006. The second describes the Campaign Cruise on Soham Lode organised by Tony Hinsley on 25 October 1998.

Go to Top January 2021

30 January 2021
In the Other Boating section, a new page Filmed while Navigating Soham Lode records a trip attempted on the lode with Steve King and Tony Hinsley in June 1999.
29 January 2021
In the Other Boating section, a new page Steve King - A Boat Man Remembered. It started life as a blog post in October 2010, but now has two related pages that contain the script of the commentary that Steve used to use when running his trip boat at Ely and the main story from the magazine article I wrote about his Fenland River Cruises business.
25 January 2021
In the Canals section, what was a holding page that promised that a site I maintained about nb Stolen Time, a shared ownership narrowboat in which I was a shareholder, would be incorporated into this site. That now looks unlikely to happen. However, some thoughts on Shared Owner Boats originally posted on the Blog appears instead.
22 January 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the preparations for and completion of the repaint of Imagination made in July and August 2011 have been moved to new Imagination's Repaint pages for July 2011 and August 2011 on the main site.
21 January 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the preparations for the repaint of Imagination made between May and June 2011 have been moved to new Imagination's Repaint pages for May 2011 and June 2011 on the main site.
In the Broads section, I have moved the blog post made on 11 April 2012 recording an attempt to Recreate a Jigsaw Image and the post made on 14 April 2012 recording my first visit to see Ian's Pirate Yacht to the main site.
20 January 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the preparations for the repaint of Imagination made between February and April 2011 have been moved to new Imagination's Repaint pages for February 2011, March 2011 and April 2011 on the main site.
19 January 2021
In the My SeaHawk section, all the posts from the old blog that cover the beginning of the repaint of Imagination made between October and the end of 2010 have been moved to a single Imagination's Repaint page on the main site.

Go to Top October 2020

29 October 2020
In the Broads section, a page has been uploaded recording our Wedding Anniversary Treat, a day out on a launch hired from Maycraft at Potter Heigham.
13 October 2020
In the Broads section, the page on the 1965 Holiday Aboard Siesta I has been updated with expanded text and more photographs. The blog post on trying to arrange a Canoeing Trip with Izy and Kevin, made on 30 October 2011 is moved to the main site.
In the Canals section, the page on my family's 1963 Llangollen Trip has had the text revised and and a photo of our hire boat Margaret added.
In the Other Boating section, the blog post entitled A New Boating Interest, written on 28 August 2013 has been moved to the main site.
9 October 2020
In the Broads section, the blog post made on 14 May 2012 recording the Launch of Summer Breeze is moved to the main site.
8 October 2020
It's been a long time coming, but the site is finally "mobile friendly". There have been technical changes under the hood and a new menu system seen when the site is viewed on narrow screens.

Go to Top February 2015

16 February 2015
In the Canals section, new pages that record my 1970 holiday aboard Lauriston with my brother and others. There are three pages involved, recording the Outward Leg to Llangollen, the Return Leg and a further page of Mystery Photographs from the trip which I have been unable to place within the main story.
9 February 2015
In the Canals section, three posts originally made in the Blog have been moved to the main site. These cover the events of three bank holiday weekends Easter Monday 2011 (Walking the Hatton and Lapworth Flights), May Day (Visiting Narrowboat Brokers) and Spring ( The Hunt for nb Harnser).
2 February 2015
In the Canals section, the story of a visit to Banbury Canal Day on 4 October 2011 was moved from the Blog to the main site, as was a further post made on 24 March 2012 on Walking the Lapworth Flight.
1 February 2015
In the Canals section, I have posted the the story of 24 January when Diana and I, together with Mike and Mary, go to view some narrowboats and end up agreeing to Buy a Share in a Narrowboat.

Go to Top May 2014

7 May 2014
In the Canals section, I have posted the tale of a walk around the canals of central Birmingham made on 24 March. There are three pages covering: The Aston Flight and Aston Junction, Aston Junction to Farmer's Bridge Junction and Farmer's Bridge Junction to Holiday Wharf.

Go to Top September 2013

1 September 2013
In the Broads section, I have added more navigation links with the page and fuller captions to the photos on the Sailing with Tim - 1975 page.

Go to Top December 2011

28 December 2011
In the Other Boating section, the page recording Diana and my Trip to Germany has received some minor edits to the text.

Go to Top September 2011

27 September 2011
In the Broads section, a blog post made on 5 June when I took a Canoe Trip with Diana, has been moved to the main site. I have also uploaded a new page reporting a trip Canoeing with My Brother undertaken on 24 July.

Go to Top July 2011

23 July 2011
In the Other Boating section, a new page describing Diana and my Trip to Germany has been uploaded.
13 July 2011
In the SeaHawk section, there have been some tweaks to the text of the Norfolk Tideway Dinghy Meet 2010.
11 July 2011
In the SeaHawk section, a report of a cruise to the Norfolk Tideway Dinghy Meet 2010 has been added.

Go to Top May 2011

24 May 2011
The site has had an minor overhaul. The Blog is now on a page of its own. This page has been removed from the main menu and is now only linked from the head of the Blog page.
13 May 2011
In the Broads section, a page recording the start of the Proper Jobbies World Tour has been uploaded.

Go to Top October 2010

8 October 2010
The site has had a major overhaul. The body of the site is now wider, and the home page incorporates an image of the day and a blog. The "site logo" image has been updated. The 2004 image has been replaced with one reflecting my appearance in October 2010.

Go to Top August 2010

4 August 2010
In the SeaHawk section, a report of a cruise up Waxham New Cut has been added.

Go to Top February 2010

18 February 2010
In the Broads section, a full report of a holiday aboard the cruiser Siesta I has been added.

Go to Top January 2010

31 January 2010
In the Broads section, changes have been made to the Cruise aboard Jemima, page after realising that one of the bridges in Yarmouth had been mis-identified.
28 January 2010
In the Broads section, a page has been added relating what I remember of a Cruise aboard Jemima, father's SeaHawk, in 1976.
15 January 2010
In the SeaHawk section, an externally produced slideshow embedded in the page describing the Three Rivers Race has been removed. It did not display properly in Internet Explorer.
11 January 2010
In the SeaHawk section, spelling errors and other minor corrections to the text of the account of Three Rivers Race 2009 have been made. (If I spot any more, I won't report them here, but I will amend the date of the last update on the page itself.)
10 January 2010
In the SeaHawk section, an account of my attempt on the Three Rivers Race 2009 has been added.

Go to Top December 2009

31 December 2009
The whole site has had a redesign. I hope you like it! (I'm currently preparing new material to be added in the new year!)

Go to Top March 2009

13 March 2009
In the SeaHawk section, an account of my attempt on the Three Rivers Race 2008 has been added.

Go to Top December 2008

23 December 2008
In the Other Boating section, the Tony's "Matchmaker" page has been re-dated to 1970 and more material added. The Boating with Friends page from the 1960s also has some changes.
20 December 2008
Reworked the entire site. The Home Page now lists pages in chronological order. The section indexes for Canals, Broads, SeaHawk and Other Boating have been expanded as necessary as the original biography page has been broken down to produce individual pages about each event. Additional text and images appears on the following pages: Early Boating Tony's "Matchmaker" and Mike's Fiftieth Birthday.

Go to Top May 2008

5 May 2008
Reworked the index pages of the Broads, Canals, SeaHawk and Other Boating sections, adding the thumbnail images, uploaded yesterday to the Home Page.
4 May 2008
The Home Page has had an overhaul. A few thumbnail images have been added to give it a bit of graphical interest.
1 May 2008
In the Canals section, a page has been added describing my first Holiday on the Llangollen Canal in 1963.
In the Other section, the Biography page has been modified and a link added to the new Llangollen Canal page.

Go to Top April 2008

30 April 2008
In the SeaHawk section, a page has been added describing the first Launch of Imagination. Links have been added on the Home Page and Purchase pages.
29 April 2008
In the SeaHawk section, further images have been added to the Imagination Purchase page.
28 April 2008
In the SeaHawk section, a page has been added describing the purchase and initial tidy-up of Imagination.
9 April 2008
Various technical improvements to the underlying code made to all pages on the site.
8 April 2008
The site is published, mainly with material moved from the SeaHawk site.

Go to Top